
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Animals as Models

Where's my camera!

Animal week emerged in the art studio this week, but I keep forgetting to take pictures! It's pretty exciting having a chicken  hanging out on a table in the studio, or a praying mantis clinging to a clay pear...I guess it makes me forget to reach for my camera when I am helping to keep our subject from escape!

I missed photos of Tuesday's chicken visitor, "Siesta", who is a very patient model, and neglected to snap a shot of yesterday's praying mantis (Chinese mantis, to be precise) -at least I remembered to take a picture of "Daisy," the Russian tortoise who tolerated a make-shift block fortress-enclosure. 

The chickens live out in the school yard, and are an itergral part of the Sustainability program.  The praying mantis is a beloved pet of a sixth-grader who knows just about everything about raising manti.  Daisy lives in a 5th/6th grade  classroom on the "Wizards"wing.
This revolving-door menagerie is a result of student interest and initiative, not my planning or procurement.  

We are in the second week of "Drawing Boot Camp" which meets for a half-hour "iblock" each day. Student-directed learning is evident in the initiative taken by this group of young artists. 

iblock is the perfect place to for drawing practice. In this setting, the focused attention drawing takes does not have to compete with all the other options available during regular studio-time.

I'm hoping "Brian," the bearded lizard, shows up tomorrow. 

(Brian came through!)