
Assessment in ART

Assessment in Art at CBMS

A shift toward Proficiency Based Learning in our district supports student learning about art and the art world. Assessment will focus on “proficiencies” (behaviors, skills, dispositions) relating to Creative Expression, Problem Solving and Self Direction at first, although many of the newly described and delineated “proficiencies” relate to the work students routinely employ in art.

What is Assessed in Art?

Students are assessed on their ability to:
  • Come to art with an idea (or the willingness to explore and experiment with tools and materials in order to generate an idea)
  • Set up a work area with chosen tools and materials
  • Use available references and resources to support and expand ideas and processes
  • Use and care for tools, materials
  • Access digital tools and resources appropriately
  • Engage and persist with selected ideas, techniques, and processes
  • Work as an artist in a cooperative, community studio setting
  • Clean up work space and care for studio
  • Reflect on work done and consider possible next steps
  • Actively participate in classroom discussions and lessons about art and the art world

Students in the art program at CBMS will initially focus on acquiring and demonstrating the following “proficiencies.”  (note:  This is not an exhaustive list of learning targets, but rather forms the core of expected student learning and achievement in art this year.)

Express ideas within and outside of the arts with skill, originality, self-expression, autonomy, collaboration, and imagination.
  • Generate, organize, and develop creative ideas.
  • Relate knowledge and/or personal experience to produce creative work.
  • Refine and complete creative works.
  • Curate: Select, analyze, and interpret works for presentation.

Interpret or define a problem and apply logic, rules, creativity and/or abstract thinking to find a solution.
  • Create or identify strategies to solve a problem, adjusting approach as needed.

Independently manage, organize, and create challenge in learning; taking responsibility for one’s actions and choices.
  • Actively engage in learning activities with focus and independence.
  • Treat others, their belongings, shared spaces, and supplies with care.
  • Demonstrate responsible digital citizenship.
  • Persevere when presented with a problem or challenge.

(Above retrieved from:  HUUSD Learning Expectations)

How are students assessed in Art?

Some of the tools and strategies used to assess and support student work and achievement:

  • Self-reflection and self assessment - Students compare their work and process to 8 Studio Thinking Habits used by practicing artists.
  • Artist Statements - students write  narrative reflections for completed artwork
  • Art sharing through peer-share, school-wide display, individual and group critique, “pop-up” art shows
  • Individual consultations
  • My observations of students at work in the studio
  • Final assessment (7th and 8th grade) upon project and/or term completion
  • Final survey to reflect on learning, strengths, interests and possibilities for future work

Students will know how they are doing based on these assessments and reflections and will receive my narrative comments on JumpRope, usually at the end of the term.