
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Exploring Monochroma

This 7th grader was thinking about a painting she saw in a museum in Europe during a family trip last summer. She recalled that she was very attracted to a particular painting because of the artist’s use of many shades of mostly one color. She thought she would explore this idea of a monochromatic color scheme by dividing her paper into measured strips, and creating a value scale – an arrangement of shades and tints of just one hue, from very dark to very light.
Working carefully with a ruler and black, white and red paint, “L” built her painting from left to right, until the whole page was filled with vivid stripes.   

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Art of the Palette

Sometimes, preparing a palette is an art by itself - here a 6th grade student prepares to make a sponge painting in an innovative way.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Authentic Integration

Dwelling by "K," Grade 6
One of the strengths of the studio-concept in art is that students “turned-on” by content or concepts in other disciplines have a ready setting in which to pursue and extend their knowledge. Content and concepts originating in social studies or science classes may be interpreted through a variety of art materials and methods, integrating learning across disciplines.

Dwelling made with mixed media, by "C," Grade 6
While not everyone in the studio-classroom will want to set aside their own important work to explore themes relating to outside classroom work, some do. Supporting emergent curriculum, that which is initiated by student interest and inquiry, is a strength of the studio-learning concept in the CBMS art program.

The Invention of Art

The Invention of Art - Clay plaque by "E" grade 6

Every time I think I know what art is, I think of exceptions, additions or omissions. “Art,” states my friend Diane Jaquith, co-author of Engaging Learners through Art,…is a big subject.” Diane has a mathematical answer to the question: 
“Head + Heart + Head = Art”
Today I asked students to contribute their answers to this question. Here are a few of their responses:
“Art is the creation of interesting inklings.”
“Art is the expression of thoughts by physical manifestation with various materials used.”
“Art is stuff you make.”
“Art is sexy”
“Art is exploring your mind.”
“Art is everything.”
“Art is whatever you want it to be.”
“Art is something that grabs your imagination and makes it into something wonderful.”
“Art is …devotion to what you love.”
“Art is willingness to evolve, creativity, imagination.”
“Art is creative thinking and inspired crafting.”
“Art is inspiration.”